May 14, 2018

Motutapu Restoration Trust


The Motutapu project started in 1993 in consultation with Ngai Tai ki Tamaki Trust and other interested groups. Together with Rangitoto, Motutapu represented an unrivalled opportunity for ecological restoration close to a metropolitan centre which could contribute significantly to threatened species’ survival in New Zealand.

Breathing new life into an ancient landform, our vision is to restore the natural and cultural landscapes of Motutapu. The natural landscape similar to that which existed on Motutapu before the Rangitoto eruption around 600 years ago. The cultural landscape shaped by Maori, early settlers, farming and the military. Motutapu mirrors much of New Zealand’s history, from its geological origins to human settlemen of the Island.

Motutapu’s natural landscape includes geology, which are Jurassic in origin. It has an ecological history, which has evolved since the Rangitoto eruption.  It is the home of more than 300 significant Maori archaeological sites and is rich in Maori culture and heritage, as well as early European farming settlement overlapping with more recent military occupational history. In addition, a working pastoral farm, practicing sustainable farming techniques, operates alongside DOC and MRT.