March 14, 2022

Championing BBM’s Efforts to Make a Difference


BBM is an organisation that aims to reduce obesity amongst Māori and Pacific People in New Zealand through education thereby enabling them to choose a healthy and active lifestyle for the duration of their lives, their children, their wider family, and the community.

BBM is not after anything other than to better the lives of those that society has left behind, to give them a push-start to get back on track. The origin point for future success begins with health.

With free community boot camps, BBM welcome those at all fitness levels, free from judgement. This breeds a culture of belonging where the BBM members take ownership and support one another.

BBM also have a specialised focus on people that are morbidly obese, suffering with physical and mental illness through a class we call From The Couch.

Reddy Foundation is impressed by the work of BBM and is proud to have committed support for an initial 3-year period focusing on the development courses for the advancement of education for the community.